Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Questionable Email from OSC.gov -Time Discrepancy In Red,
compared with the last one that seems to be in sequence. Although he
could have been somewhere else. And where was she that her email
would have a time earlier than mine.  I am in Hawaii. She was, where,
the othrer side of the world?

From: McMullen, Catherine <CMcMullen@osc.gov>
To: y-----@aol.com
Cc: Gorman, Karen <kgorman@osc.gov>
Sent: Thu, Jan 14, 2010 10:58 amSubject: FW: OSC DI-10-0711
Could you please contact me at 202-254-3604 or provide your telephone
number so that I may contact you?  Thank you.

Catherine A. McMullen
Chief, Disclosure Unit
U.S. Office of Special Counsel

From: Reukauf, Bill
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:16 PMTo: McMullen, Catherine
Subject: FW: OSC DI-10-0711

From: y-----@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:21 PM
To: Reukauf, Bill
Subject: Re: OSC DI-10-0711

 I have emailed Ms. Toney, Ms. Mcmullen and Ms. Gorman. I get no answer.
Maybe you can supply an answer to my question. I also mention other federal agencies.
I have sent the same information to various OIG offices, among others. I believe
some federal employees have possibly used my information for their personal gain.

Monday, August 30, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: y-----@aol.com
To: eholder@cov.com
Sent: Thu, Nov 20, 2008 10:43 am
Subject: A Conspiracy To Deny Civil Rights

I have removed the text to conserve space. It is the full - length version that I send to contacts when I use the subject above. It is available to see onother posts, or you can GOOGLE: Homeless, Due To A Conspiracy To Violate Civil Rights, Obstruct Justice And Harass

Saturday, August 28, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: y-----@aol.com
To: david@hawaiiforobama.org
Sent: Fri, Jan 15, 2010 9:13 am
Subject: Re: MLK Day Parade and other January events

Homeless, Due To A Conspiracy To Violate Civil Rights, Obstruct Justice And Harass

I have removed the text to conserve space. It is the full - length version that I
send to contacts when I use the heading above my name. It is available to see on
other posts, or you can GOOGLE: Homeless, Due To A Conspiracy To Violate Civil Rights, Obstruct Justice And Harass
Vernon Balmer Jr.
Honolulu, Hawaii

-----Original Message-----
From: Hawaii for Obama <david@hawaiiforobama.org>
To: Vernon Balmer Jr. <y-----@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Jan 15, 2010 8:57 am
Subject: MLK Day Parade and other January events

Hawaii for Obama
HomePhotosNewsEventsContact us

January 2010 Events

Friday, January 15, 2010  in Maui

Furlough Friday community meeting to gather personal stories about health care to share w/ our Congressional delegation and the administration to guide and support health care reform. Invitations to individuals and representatives to share thoughts.

RSVP here: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/communityservice/gpcfc5

Monday, January 18, 2010 in Maui

On Monday, January 18, 2010 The African American Heritage Foundation of Maui is sponsoring it's annual Martin Luther King Jr. Peace March. We will gather at 10:30 at Maui Community College parking lot off of Kaahumanu Avenue in Kahului. The March will start promptly at 11 am. We will march in the street to Hoaloha Park (The Hawaiian Canoe Club). Come listen to our Guest Speaker, Reverend Robert Graetz and his wife Jeanni e, from Montgomery, Alabama, tell their courageous life experience as participants in the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott. Reverend Graetz is the author of "A White Preacher's Memoir - The Montgomery Bus Boycott." While using the techniques of classic storytelling, Reverend Graetz relates to us the central role of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. along with the contributions of others such as Ms. Rosa Parks, E.D. Nixon, Clifford and Virginia Durr and others who together forced the Montgomery Bus Company to give up their segregation policy.

There will be a free meal served. Please bring a mat to sit on and a donation for the Maui Food Bank.
RSVP here: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/communityservice/gpcfyh

You are invited to celebrate with us!
Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 18th  2010

Marching through WaikikiOrganizing for America- Hawaii is in the parade. We will meet at Magic Island on Monday morning, 8 AM. We will gather at Magic Island to line-up and finalize any decorations. We will walk at 9AM from Magic Island to Kapiolani Park. Keep in mind that Magic Island and (the surround area on Ala Moana Blvd) will be inaccessible due to the parade.  For parking, please consider Ward Center or Al a Moana Shopping Center.

Bring your friends, relatives, kids and pets…

Also, bring sunblock/sunscreen, sun glasses, water, umbrella, hat

Please RSVP here: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/communityservice/gpc2jf

Monday, August 23, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: White, Donald B (OIG/IO) <
Sent: Wed, Apr 11, 2007 11:18 am
Subject: RE: San Francisco Offices

Mr. Balmer,
Our Regional Offices do not have toll free numbers.  In any event, if you are wanting to contact our Office of Investigations, the correct Regional Office for Hawaii is in Los Angeles.
I can suggest that if you email me your phone number, and when is a good time to call, I will call you.
Thanks for the email.  – Don White, OIG

From: t-----@aol.com [mailto:t-----@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 9:18 PM
To: Affairs Public
Subject: San Francisco Offices
Is there a toll free number, or email address I can use to reach the San Francisco offices, intake in particular? I am in Hawaii and cannot afford to call direct all the time. I need to speak to someone that can tell me about my complaint. I see a 800 number for Washington and Washington D.C. There must be others.
Vernon Balmer Jr.


Re: [SPAM] Re: Thank You Amy
From:WomensLaw <amyinfo@womenslaw.org>
Date:Mon, Jul 10, 2006 3:30 am



Hi Vernon,
I am glad that this information might be able to help you get the answers you are looking for.  You are absolutely not a bother to me, I'm only sorry I don't know more about that area of law!  Please do let me know how everything goes and if there are more questions I can help you answer.
Take good care,

Re: Thank You Amy

Date:Fri, Jul 7, 2006 12:13 pm

 Thanks, so much. You have been a great help. I will search these sources you mention, hope I haven't been much of a bother to you. Hopefully there is someone here I can find who will be of assistance. There are many who hover around in situations like this, I have learned, and being in a small place like this brings people much "closer".
Vernon Balmer Jr.
-----Original Message-----
From: WomensLaw <amyinfo@womenslaw.org>
To: t-----@aol.com
Sent: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 17:14:50 -0400
Subject: Re: Thank You Amy

Hi Vernon,
Thanks for getting back to me.  There is pretty much always a time limit on appeals (except capital convictions or first degree felonies in some states).  You can usually find how long you have to file for an appeal in the rules of Court Procedure, but the easier way is usually to (1) look at the final court paperwork you received (oftentimes there's a notice advising you how long you have to appeal) or (2) call the clerk of court.  If neither of those pan out, you can go to a law library and ask a law librarian to help you find it in the rules of Court Procedure (they are not generally online, except on WestLaw, which you have to pay for).
I hope this helps!  Let me know if I can do anything else.
Take care,

Thank You Amy
Date:Wed, Jul 5, 2006 11:11 am
First and foremost, I thank you for responding. The great majority have not. This includes organizations, politicians and lawyers.  Maybe you can tell me the time limits for filing an appeal with the proper court.
I hate to do this again, but it may be the only way to have this situation looked at by an entity without a vested interest. I can only think that it may not be in my best interest. I think my lack of knowlege in these affairs has played into the hands of the opposition. I will never understand how not one of three judges who made some decision during the life of the suit did not think it was too complex for a Pro Se litigant. Furthermore, does this filing have to be civil, in that I have cited criminal acts ie; a conspiracy to deny civil rights?

Date:Wed, Jul 5, 2006 10:18 am
Please know that someone with access to your computer may be able to read your email and see where you have been on the internet.  Go to www.WomensLaw.org/internet.htm to learn more. 
Although a response is provided for a specific question, there may be other facts and law relevant to your issue.  You should seek further information and support from a local lawyer or domestic violence organization before making any decision.  Specifically, please understand that no client-lawyer relationship has been established with you through this email or the website.
Dear Vernon,
Thank you for your email.  I am so sorry that you are going through all of this - it sounds like an incredibly difficult and frustrating situation. 
Can I tell you a little bit about our organization and some of the services we are able to provide?  We are a non-profit organization that is able to provide legal information and referrals to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
You chose "no reply needed" on the hotline form, but I wanted to check in to make sure you do not have any legal questions you need answered.  I am not sure that I have the expertise that you need, but I might be able to point you in the right direction.  You can email me directly at: amyinfo@womenslaw.org.
I hope to be able to help you more in the future.
Take good care,
Vernon Balmer Jr.


-----Original Message-----
From: *TIGTA Investigations Complaints Unit <
Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 1:33 am
Subject: RE: Complaint / re: Fraud Reports

Your complaint was forwarded to the IRS for appropriate action by that agency.  We cannot provide you with any additional information as to to status of your complaint, since the matter is not within our jurisdiction.
Please contact the IRS regarding this matter
Internal Revenue Service
Employee Conduct and Compliance Office
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20224 

From: VERNON BALMER JR. [mailto:t-----@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 8:30 PM
To: *TIGTA Investigations Complaints Unit;
Subject: Re: Complaint / re: Fraud Reports

Can someone tell me where this report/complaint is now?
From: *TIGTA Investigations Complaints Unit <Complaints@tigta.treas.gov>
Sent: Thu,
Jul 2, 2009 8:09 am
Subject: Complaint re: Fraud Reports
This is to acknowledge receipt of your complaint by the Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).  We have reviewed your complaint and determined that the Internal Revenue Service would more appropriately handle this matter.  Therefore, we have forwarded your complaint to the Internal Revenue Service for appropriate action.  
We regret this office cannot be of further assistance to you regarding this matter.
Belinda Faltz-Heath
Program Analyst

TIGTA - Complaint Management


Fax (202) 927-7018

RE: Fraud Reports


Hotline <Hotline@oig.treas.gov>Hotline@oig.treas.gov



VERNON BALMER JR. <t-----@aol.com>


Wed, Jun 10, 2009 2:47 am




Dear Mr. Vernon Balmer:  We have reviewed the 
information you provided and determined that 
this matter is  not within the jurisdiction of 
this office. 
As the issues you present appear to  be under 
the cognizance of the Treasury Inspector General 
for Tax  Administr  ation, we have referred your 
correspondence to that office for  appropriate 
action and direct reply
to you:  
Complaint Management Division Treasury 
In General for Tax Administration 1125 15th Street, 
NW Room 700-A 
Washington, DC  20005  
Please send any additional correspondence regarding 
this matter to that address. We thank you for your 
consideration.  Regards, Hotline Staff 





Saturday, August 21, 2010


13 years since Catherine L Fawley was first licensed to practice law in WA.

See license details Hide license details


License status

Year acquired

Last updated by Avvo





This lawyer has been cited for professional misconduct by a state disciplinary authority.

See sanction details Hide sanction details


Citation type

Year cited

Last updated by Avvo





----Original Message Follows----
> From: "Hamby, Gregg" <Gregg.Hamby@ed.gov>
> To: <v-----@hotmail.com>
> CC: "Fawley, Catherine" <Catherine.Fawley@ed.gov>
> Subject: Hawaii State Public Library System, case No.10074017
> Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 14:08:35 -0500
> Dear Mr. Balmer:
> The purpose of this follow-up message is to obtain additional information regarding your complaint of alleged race and/or national origin discrimination against the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS), which the Seattle Office of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) received on January 23, 2007. In your complaint, you raise concerns regarding your treatment by HSPLS officials.
> After reviewing your complaint information, we have determined that additional clarifying information is necessary before we can further process your complaint.
Please provide the following information:
> What is your race and/or ethnicity.

> Please provide a detailed description of the alleged discrimination by HSPLS, including the reason why you believe the action to be discriminatory.

> Please explain how and why each alleged act is discriminatory on the basis of your race and national origin.
> Please include the date's) on which the alleged discrimination began and when it ended.
> The name's) and title(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the alleged discrimination.
> We ask that you respond to this letter within 10 days of the date of this letter. OCR procedures provide that if we do not receive a response to this request for additional information, we will be required to close your case.
> If you have any questions, you may contact me at (206) 220-7911 or by e-mail at Gregg.Hamby@ed.gov.
> Sincerely,
> Gregory Hamby
> Investigator
Subject: Hawaii State Public Library System, case No.10074017
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 14:13:04 -0500
From: Gregg.Hamby@ed.gov
To: v-----@hotmail.com
CC: Catherine.Fawley@ed.gov

Mr Balmer:

This letter is in response to the concerns you raised regarding the complaint you filed against the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS), which was received by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) on January 23, 2007.  On February 13, 2007, we notified you by letter that we were administratively closing your complaint because HSPLS is not a recipient of federal funding from the U.S. Department of Education.  You have expressed concerns regarding our handling of your complaint. Therefore, we are contacting you to further explain our decision regarding your complaint.

According to your complaint, HSPLS was discriminating against you on the basis of your race, color, and national origin.  OCR's legal authority to investigate complaints alleging discrimination based on race, color, and national origin is derived from the regulations implementing title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under Title VI, however, our jurisdictional authority to investigate complaints is limited to programs and activities that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education. As we informed you in our February 13 letter, HSPLS is not a recipient of federal funding from the Department. Therefore, OCR does not have the authority to take any action with respect to your complaint or any complaint alleging race discrimination against HSPLS.

We regret that we are unable to assist you in resolving your concerns.  If you have any questions about this letter, please contact me at (206) 220-7911 or by e-mail at gregg.hamby@ed.gov.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Subject: EEOC Charge:
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 22:24:23-0400
In January I filed a charge against the company I have worked for since
September 12, 2002.  My charge was dismissed without an investigation, due to bias and complicity with the respondent, I believe. I have recently asked that a charge of harassment be transfered to the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, to be handled, instead of the EEOC. When I told theinvestigator of my situation, he,
Ray Griffith said that under the rules of terms and conditions, if others were having sexual contact on the job,I could also.  He, Ray Griffith also told me "nobody likes a whistle blower" and referred to me as an "outcast".  Where do I go to file a complaint and have my rights protected, when government agencies do not.
From :  Davis, Ivy L.
Sent :  Wednesday, May 9, 2007 2:15 AM
To :  "Vernon Balmer"
CC :  "referrals"
Subject :  RE: A Conspiracy To Deny Rights In Hawaii - Seeking Representation
Dear Mr. Balmer,
Your email has been referred to our agency's civil rights complaint
hotline email referral. If you wish, you may contact the hotline at
Sent :  Wednesday, May 30, 2007 2:44 AM
To :  "Vernon Balmer"
Subject :  RE: RE: A Conspiracy To Deny Rights In Hawaii - Seeking Representation
Sender: "Brooks, Teresa"
Mr. Balmer, I spoke with you on yesterday and unfortunately, I was unable to pin point your request at that time. However, I did speak to the person who you originally had correspondence with and she forwarded your information. You will be receiving the status of that complaint within a timely fashion.
Thankwww you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



From: v----@inbox.com
To: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
Subject: Restricted Delivery
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 17:06:26 -0800

Yes, it's me, Vernon Balmer. What happened ,whereas, you did not send the records "Restricted Delivery" as I requested and paid for?

From: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
To: v----@inbox.com
Subject: RE: ***spam*** Restricted Delivery
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:31:23 -1000

We resent yesterday it restricted delivery.
 Gary M. Young
Operations Manager
Hawaii Dental Group
dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center
500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7 - 220 
Honolulu , HI  96813 
Phone:  (808) 523-3130 
Cell:  (808) 342-8611 
Fax: (808) 523-3122 
From: VERNON BALMER JR. [mailto:v----@inbox.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 3:06 PM
To: Gary Young
Subject: ***spam*** Restricted Delivery

Yes, it's me, Vernon Balmer. What happened ,whereas, you did not send
 the records "Restricted Delivery" as I requested and paid for? 

-----Original Message-----
From: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
Sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:31:23 -1000
To: v----@inbox.com
Subject: RE: ***spam*** Restricted Delivery

We resent yesterday it restricted delivery.
Gary M. Young
Operations Manager
Hawaii Dental Group
dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center
500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7 - 220
Honolulu , HI  96813
Phone:  (808) 523-3130
Cell:  (808) 342-8611
Fax: (808) 523-3122

From: VERNON BALMER JR. [mailto:v----@inbox.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 3:06 PM
To: Gary Young
Subject: ***spam*** Restricted Delivery

Yes, it's me, Vernon Balmer. What happened ,whereas, you did not send the records "Restricted Delivery" as I requested and paid for?


Honolulu, HI
Shannon L Fujii


JUNE 28, 2008
Fujii, Shannon on INF 76B
Aug. 23, 2008
Fujii on INF 77B
Dec. 6, 2008
Shannon on INF74B
Dec. 12, 2008
Shannon on IFN73B

Claudine Fujii(2nd from right)
2006 Librarian Of The Year


Next to Shannon Fujii -

Monday, August 16, 2010


I can be thankful each day I am not hospitalized in Hawaii. 


Gary Young (gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com)


Tue 10/16/07 1:18 PM


Vernon Balmer (v----_@hotmail.com)*

Okay, I'm not going to go back and forth so, here is the deal.  You want a third copy of your file. 

1.  You pay $25.00  for that copy

2.  You pay for the certified mail charge.

3.  After we determine the cost, you send us a cashier's check/money order

4.  You get your file. 

That is the end of it. 


Gary M. Young

Operations Manager

Hawaii Dental Group

dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center

500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7-220

Honolulu, HI  96813

Phone:  (808) 523-3130

Cell:  (808) 342-8611

Fax: (808) 523-3122



From: Vernon Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 11:12 AM

To: Gary Young; f----s@lycos.com; f----y@iwon.com
Subject: RE: Billing?


Nowhere in these previous emails between Ms. Paglinawan and myself, regarding the second set, is there any reference to 25.00 dollars being the cost of the second set. Where do you see it?

Subject: RE: Billing?
Mon, 15 Oct 2007 16:11:33
From: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
To: v----_@hotmail.com

We told you there was a charge, we mailed you the file and you haven't paid.  So to get the third set, you have to pay for the second set and also the third set before we send it out. 


Gary M. Young

Operations Manager

Hawaii Dental Group

dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center

500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7-220

Honolulu, HI  96813

Phone:  (808) 523-3130

Cell:  (808) 342-8611

Fax: (808) 523-3122



From: Vernon Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
Monday, October 15, 2007 3:02 PM

To: Gary Young
Subject: RE: Billing?


Why am I being asked to pay for the prior set after the fact. I should have been charged when I asked.

> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date:
Wed, 3 Oct 2007 10:41:05
> From: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> I don't understand. If you have two sets of records one given to you and the other sent certified mail, then why do you need another set?
> If you want a third set that you can sign for then you will have to pay our fee. What I am charging you is the fee that we set as a company and that fee is $25 per set of records. So the $50.00 fee is the cost of your third set as well as the prior set. That is what you need to pay to obtain another set of records.
> Gary M. Young
> Operations Manager
> Hawaii Dental Group
> dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center
> 500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7-220
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Phone: (808) 523-3130
> Cell: (808) 342-8611
> Fax: (808) 523-3122
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vernon Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Wed 10/3/2007 10:21 AM
> To: Gary Young
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Billin
> I don't mean to be difficult, I just want to know what I am paying for. I do not need duplicates of duplicates.
> I am in possession of the ones Ms. Paglinawan gave me in the office and the ones sent via certified mail. I didn't get to sign
> for them.
> I just want one more copy of records. Also, can you please itemize the cost? ie; 25.00 for 2.50 a page. 25.00 for
> copies of x - rays.
> _____
>Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date:
Tue, 2 Oct 2007 16:06:07
> From: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> Mr. Balmer,
> the cost is $50.00 for your records. If you want them, send a money order and after we get that we will send out your records via certified/restricted mail.
> Gary M. Young
> Operations Manager
> Hawaii Dental Group
> dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center
> 500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7-220
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Phone: (808) 523-3130
> Cell: (808) 342-8611
> Fax: (808) 523-3122
> _____
> From: Vernon Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 9:12 AM
> To: Gary Young
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> As stated in my email and previous conversations with Ms Paglinawan, I
> am willing to pay for the records. I am a bit confused, as to what you mean
> by, "the new set of records" and "the previous records". 
> _____
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date:
Mon, 1 Oct 2007 12:08:54
> From: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> We will send you another copy of your records via certified, restricted mail for a fee of $50 including the the new set of records, the previous records, and the postal fees. You need to prepay and send a money order or credit card number prior to us sending out your records.
> Gary M. Young
> Operations Manager
> Hawaii Dental Group
> dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center
> 500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7-220
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Phone: (808) 523-3130
> Cell: (808) 342-8611
> Fax: (808) 523-3122
> _____
> From: Vernon Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 11:39 AM
> To: Gary Young
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> I thought I explained in my previous email to you. I was not there when
> the mail arrived and evidently postal regulation allows the person at the
> front desk to sign for it. I wanted to have a copy for myself that has my signature
> on the postal documents. I did not know there was a limit to the number of copies
> a patient could have or request, if it was inconvenient of bothersome to staff. If I
> have to accept this I will, but I must inquire with someone other than those who are irritated
> by a patient requesting their records.
> _____
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date:
Mon, 1 Oct 2007 09:59:05
> From: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> Mr. Balmer,
> I spoke with Kanani and your records were sent to you via certified mail. If you are not there to sign for it, it is usually sent back to the post office and you can go to the post office to sign and retrieve your mail.
> We have sent your records to you more than once and we are not going to resend your records unless you don't have them our you cannot get them back from the post office. If you have any questions please email me back, have a great day.
> Gary M. Young
> Operations Manager
> Hawaii Dental Group
> dba Hawaii Family Dental Centers and Kihei Center
> 500 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 7-220
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Phone: (808) 523-3130
> Cell: (808) 342-8611
> Fax: (808) 523-3122 
> _____
> From: Vernon Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 12:30 PM
> To: Gary Young
> Subject: FW: Billing?
> Dear Sir, I have tried contacting you previously, without success.
> I would like to have a copy of my complete file sent to me via
> restricted mail delivery so I can sign for it. Ms. Paglinawan may be
> mistaken in assuming that I signed for the mail she sent. I was not
> present when the mail was delivered to the YMCA. And as I have been told
> whoever is at the front desk can sign for it. I would like to sign for it. Restric
> ted mail would facilitate this, in that, I would be the only one who could sign
> for it.
> ____
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date:
Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:42:26
> From: kananip@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> CC: gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com

> I will not be sending any further documentation. I have been more than accomodating to your needs. Certified mail requires a signature for acceptance. If you require any further assistance please contact Gary Young, Our operations manager. His e-mail address is gyoung@hawaiifamilydental.com. I will not be responding to any further attempts to contact me.
> Kanani
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
Balmer [mailto:-----v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent:
Friday, September 28, 2007 9:19 AM

> To: Kanani Paglinawan
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Thank you, but I was not there when the mail was delivered. I
> would appreciate another copy sent by " restricted delivery",
> so I can sign for it. I will pay for it and any cost for another duplication.
> _____
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date: Thu,
27 Sep 2007 16:02:42 -1000
> From: kananip@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> Mr. Balmer,
> Your records have been sent out today via certified mail.
> Thank you,
> Kanani
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 1:40 PM

> To: Kanani Paglinawan
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Let me know the cost I will send a money order to have you mail them.
> _____
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date:
Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:53:02 -1000
> From: kananip@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> Everything will be ready for you to pick by tomorrow afternoon. The only thing I will be duplicating is your chart and any paper info from the computer. I'm sure you don't need another duplicate copy of your x-rays that already have been provided. The x-rays you took here on 5/03 were found in a patients chart with a same first name and similar last name. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but I think I have been very accommodating with your needs. I hope this will be the last time I will need to duplicate your records. I will e-mail you when everything is ready.
> Thank you for your patience,
> Kanani
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 12:08 PM

> To: Kanani Paglinawan
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> You must be mistaken. I don't have any ledger or account history. But thanks for the "SUPER" bill. Since this descrepency has arose, could you please put together another full packet and document what it consists of? I don't mind paying for the paper. This way you and I will have verification of me receiving the complete record of my history at
Hawaii Family Dental. By the way where'd you find the other x - rays?
> ____
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> Date:
Tue, 25 Sep 2007 11:39:48
> From: kananip@hawaiifamilydental.com
> To: v----_@hotmail.com
> Mr. Balmer,
> I have printed you a super bill of all the services we have provided for you. It should be the same as the ledger or account history that I had already provided. Everything is waiting at the front desk for you to pick up.
> Thank you,
> Kanani Paglinawan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 9:36 AM

> To: Kanani Paglinawan
> Subject: RE: Billing?
> I am referring to the charges for services and what they were for. Just the usual billing for services and payments.
> RE: Billing‏
> From: Kanani Paglinawan (kananip@hawaiifamilydental.com)
> Medium risk<http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w2/pr02/ltr/i_yellowshield.gif> You may not know this sender. Mark as safe <http://by117w.bay117.mail.live.com/mail/ReadMessageLight.aspx?Action=MarkAsNotJunk&FolderID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&InboxSortAscending=False&InboxSortBy=Date&ReadMessageId=7f334696-27dd-4c72-a78d-cbb8f733e924&n=1365972595> | Mark as unsafe <http://by117w.bay117.mail.live.com/mail/ReadMessageLight.aspx?Action=MarkAsJunk&FolderID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&InboxSortAscending=False&InboxSortBy=Date&ReadMessageId=7f334696-27dd-4c72-a78d-cbb8f733e924&n=1132028791>
> Sent: Tue 9/25/07 7:42 AM
> To: Vernon Balmer (v----_@hotmail.com)
> Good Morning Mr. Balmer,
> I am not quite sure what type of billing information your requesting. I have given you a copy of your complete chart and all information I had in our computer. I also came across your radiographs taken on your first visit on
5-15-07 with Dr. Enoka. You are more than welcome to come and pick them up at anytime. There is no additional charge for duplication.
> Kanani
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vernon Balmer [mailto:v----_@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 1:00 PM
> To: Kanani Paglinawan
> Subject: Billing
> Good Morning Ms. Paglinawan, I guess this will find it's way to you, possibly Monday. I would have liked my billing information included with the records. Can you please let me know when I can retrieve these, and if there will be any cost.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


This email below, was sent complete. When I looked days later, the body had been removed.
But, this original did make it to Ms. Ward. 

From: Vernon Balmer Jr. <f----s@gmail.com>

- Hide quoted text -
Date: Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 9:58 AM
Subject: Target Location - Hawaii
To: Laysha Ward Target Email VP Community Relations @target.com,volunteer@ccspm.org,JeanneS@casefoundation.org, MichaelS@CaseFoundation.org,KariD@CaseFoundation.org,KristinI@casefoundation.org,  LouiseS@CaseFoundation.org


This one made it to all previous but, Ms. Ward's direct email address.

fromVernon Balmer Jr. <f----s@gmail.com>

dateThu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:21 PM
subjectTarget Location

hide details 1/8/09

 I am a former Title Guaranty employee. I worked where records were stored, in the basement of what was the Costco location that is now occupied by Target.

We were housed in the basement with an air-conditioner as the only ventilation. I noticed mold growing in a hole, in the wall beneath the air-conditioner, adjacent to the room where I sometimes, but mostly my co-workers would eat lunch. I asked them about it and was told that management was made aware of it and did nothing. I decided to inform management myself, considering the untruths I had previously heard from some. I was thanked by the assistant to the woman in accounting who handled the repairs for the building.
I did not think it was a major undertaking by a very successful company to fix this problem, and was surprised at the length of time it was taking to address the situation, so I informed OSHA, Aug. 2003. This is when things started to go further south. Strangely, the day after going to the OSHA offices, the next day at work, my supervisor stated to a co-worker, " Vernon went to OSHA." This information was not given to her or any co-worker, by me.

When I went to Hawaii OSHA, the employee did not give me any type of reference number, or write one in the space provided on the complaint form, nor did she inform me at that time that mold is not OSHA'S jurisdiction, which is what I was told when I went to check on the status of the complaint.

Neither, did the employee inform me of laws governing discrimination. I was also told - it not being OSHA'S jurisdiction - the complaint was referred to the Department of Health. It was like pulling teeth to get an answer as to what office at the DOH it was referred to. Needless to say I could not inquire about the possible disposition of the complaint, not knowing where to inquire.

There was a flood upstairs after Costco vacated the ground level space. When I went around the rear of the building to go to the Tesoro station, I saw torrents gushing from the trucking bays. This water was obviously under pressure. It could not be due to an eccess of rain, which was the explanation I heard from the supervisor.
I saw no fire department personnel before I left and was told none were notified. We continued working after a cursory "mop up".
- Hide quoted text -
Vernon Balmer Jr.
General Delivery
Honolulu, Hawaii 96820


Date: Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 11:29 AM
Subject: Request for information on Indoor Air Quality and Mold in a Commercial Location in Hawaii

Dear Mr. Balmer,
        Your letter to our information line was forwarded to our Indoor Environments Program for response.  While we have a great deal of guidance on indoor air quality and mold, we do not have standards or regulations to apply to your situation.  I'm sorry that you were not directed to the proper department at the Hawaii Department of Health.  Please contact the following department and individuals:
Hawaii Department of Health
Russell S. Takata
Program Manager
Noise, Radiation and Indoor Air Quality Branch
Hawaii Department of Health
591 Ala Moana Blvd.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-4921

Shawn Haruno
Indoor Air Quality Specialist

Monique Nivolon
Indoor Environments Team
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Tel: 415-947-4195 - Fax: 415-947-3583


Your message:
----- Forwarded by Rosemary Hardy/R9/USEPA/US on 12/24/2008 11:56 AM -----

To:        laboroiginfo@oig.dol.gov, hotline@oig.dol.gov, Info R9@EPA
Subject:        Information

I am a former Title Guaranty employee. I worked where records were stored, in the basement of what was the Costco location that is now occupied by Target.

We were housed in the basement with an air-conditioner as the only ventilation. I noticed mold growing in a hole, in the wall beneath the air-conditioner, adjacent to the room where I sometimes, but mostly my co-workers would eat lunch. I asked them about it and was told that management was made aware of it and did nothing. I decided to inform management myself, considering the untruths I had previously heard from some. I was thanked by the assistant to the woman in accounting who handled the repairs for the building.

I did not think it was a major undertaking by a very successful company to fix this problem, and was surprised at the length of time it was taking to address the situation, so I informed OSHA, Aug. 2003. This is when things started to go further south. Strangely, the day after going to the OSHA offices, the next day at work, my supervisor stated to a co-worker, " Vernon went to OSHA." This information was not given to her or any co-worker, by me.

When I went to Hawaii OSHA, the employee did not give me any type of reference number, or write one in the space provided on the complaint form, nor did she inform me at that time that mold is not OSHA'S jurisdiction, which is what I was told when I went to check on the status of the complaint.

Neither, did the employee inform me of laws governing discrimination. I was also told - it not being OSHA'S jurisdiction - the complaint was referred to the Department of Health. It was like pulling teeth to get an answer as to what office at the DOH it was referred to. Needless to say I could not inquire about the possible disposition of the complaint, not knowing where to inquire.

Nov, 2003, there was a flood upstairs after Costco vacated the ground level space. When I went around the rear of the building to go to the Tesoro station, I saw torrents gushing from the trucking bays. This water was obviously under pressure. It could not be due to an eccess of rain, which was the explanation I heard from the supervisor.
I saw no fire department personnel before I left and was told none were notified. We continued working after a cursory "mop up".

Vernon Balmer Jr.
General Delivery
Honolulu, Hawaii 96820


Don't give up


From: Haruno, Shawn H. <shawn.haruno@doh.hawaii.gov>
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: Copies
To: "Vernon Balmer Jr." <f----s@gmail.com>
Thank you for the compliment Mr. Balmer!  I really do appreciate it!  Friday is good.  Our office is located in the same place you came the last time I believe.  Next to Immigration.  Our address is 591 Ala Moana Blvd. When you get here, just go to room 133 and ask the girls for a "request for public record" and in the requested record field, write in IAQ letter to Title Guaranty, 235 Queen Street, dated 12/1/03.  I'll leave a copy with them in case I'm out in the field when you come.  Thanks again! 


From: Vernon Balmer Jr. [mailto:f----s@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 10:18 AM

To: Haruno, Shawn H.
Subject: Re: Copies

Thank you Mr. Haruno, more people like you are needed in state positions. I would like to come to the offices this friday. I know the DOH has more than one location. Where is yours?
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Haruno, Shawn H. <shawn.haruno@doh.hawaii.gov> wrote:
Mr. Balmer, I apologize for the delay in response.  I have been out of the
office since the 25th.  If you have access to a fax machine, I can fax you a
request for public record.  The cost is $.50 a page and the letter is one
page.  If you don't have access to a fax machine, you can come to our office
and fill it out in person.  Let me know what you prefer.  Thanks!  Have a
nice day Mr. Balmer!

-----Original Message-----
From: Vernon Balmer Jr. [mailto:f----s@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:08 AM
To: Haruno, Shawn H.
Subject: Re: Copies

Yes, Mr. Haruno, that is the one I am referring to. My copy is out of
state and I would like one available here. Is it possible to get one?

On 3/24/09, Haruno, Shawn H. <shawn.haruno@doh.hawaii.gov> wrote:
 Mr. Balmer,

 I searched our records again under "Title Guaranty" since the first
Mention of the location of your concern was in the email dated 3/17/09 addressed
to Mr. Takata.  I did find a letter to Mr. Koizumi dated 12/1/03.  Is this
the record that you are requesting or is it a newer complaint?  Please

 From: Vernon Balmer Jr. [mailto:f----s@gmail.com]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:10 AM
 To: Haruno, Shawn H.
 Subject: Re: Copies

 I can only reiterate what I have stated before. The only additionsl
 information I can give you is that the records show that the complaint was
 sent to Myron Koizumi, at Title Guaranty and he did not respond.

I received one from the offices that were behind the Immigration station
On Ala Moana. Now that it is the Department Of Homeland Defense, I am not
Sure if the DOH offices are still there.

 Can you tell me, are they? I would like to contact that office and get

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:20 AM, Haruno, Shawn H.

 Aloha Mr. Balmer,

As stated previously, we did not receive a copy of your complaint, therefore no follow up was performed regarding the Title Guaranty Offices.
Could you call me at 586-5800 so I can get some information from you?
Once I receive the information, I can follow up with your concerns and
Hopefully remedy the situation there.  Thank you,

 Shawn Haruno

 From: Takata, Russell S. [mailto:russell.takata@doh.hawaii.gov]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 11:21 AM
 To: Vernon Balmer Jr.
 Cc: Haruno, Shawn H.
 Subject: RE: Copies


 I do not have a copy of your complaint, and therefore, no disposition


Russell S. Takata, Program Manager
 State of Hawaii - Dept. of Health
 591 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm. 133
 Honolulu, HI  96813
 Ph. (808) 586-4700  FAX  (808) 586-5838

 From: Vernon Balmer Jr. [mailto:f----s@gmail.com]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 9:10 AM
 To: Takata, Russell S.
 Subject: Copies

 I would like a response to my last email below, please.

 fromVernon Balmer Jr. <f----s@gmail.com>
 to"Takata, Russell S." <russell.takata@doh.hawaii.gov>
 dateMon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:17 AM
 subjectRe: Vernon Balmer Jr.

To be more specific, I would like copies of my complaint and the
Subsequent disposition of it.

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Takata, Russell S.

 If I can have your address, I will have IAQ/mold information sent to you.

From: Vernon Balmer Jr. [mailto:f----s@gmail.com]
 Sent: Sat 1/3/2009 4:45 PM
 To: Takata, Russell S.
 Subject: Re: Vernon Balmer Jr.

 I would like copies of what is available.

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Takata, Russell S.

 What can we do for you?