Saturday, September 25, 2010


from andy blackman hurwitz <>
to Heather Murphy Monteith <>
cc "Vernon Balmer Jr." <>
date Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 3:58 AM
subject Re: Baby Doesn't Know What Disco Is.

where di this all come from? 
- Show quoted text -

andy blackman hurwitz


fromVernon Balmer Jr. <>
toHeather Murphy Monteith <>

dateTue, Jul 22, 2008 at 10:41 AM
subjectRe: Baby Doesn't Know What Disco Is.


Thanks for responding. Time will tell, maybe. All the information I got was from an article about your "group", from those involved. I would caution you that, a lot of  "experiments" that started out as such, turned into organized debauchery. Granted, segregation can be detrimental, but I doubt that any caring parents would have their children at a party supervised by other children. What I am concerned about is in my first email, specifically, children partying with adults.  Also, once a homegrown idea is commercialized, being far removed from the originator and it's original, heartfelt and sincere intent, it is easily perverted. By then, the network is in place, to expand.

Thanks for your wish that I keep breathing.


Keep thinking of our children. Some villages weren't so kind to them.



On 7/21/08,

Heather Murphy Monteith <> wrote:

Are you thinking for yourself?  Really?  Or jumping on a soapbox about something you "heard" about -third hand?  (Oooops.  Don't slip!)

So..  Let's be civilized here....

Good evening, Mr. Balmer, and thank you for reaching out.  My name is Heather Murphy Monteith and I am the founder of Baby Loves Disco.  I am a scorpio, a vegetarian and i don't squish spiders... and Oh!  right, ...I am also a mom of two lovely children that i give my absolute all to... It's because of them that i started a pretty great family event and folks around the world really love it!  Also, this has been a labor of love for 4 years now and no, i have not made a penny doing this, though we do support our non profit of choice, Alex's Lemonade Stand, which fights childhood cancers.....

Honestly,  it is  sad to read your response and reaction to Baby Loves Disco and I actually am not sure of your disgust and exact concerns.  Have you ever been to an event?  Did you take in the WHOLE picture of what Baby Loves Disco is?  I do think that Baby Loves Disco, as a concept, is something that as a concept may be hard for some folks to understand, at first, but as an event, folks experiencing it only have rave reviews.  I would like to respond to you and add just a few comments and some more information.  First of all, I believe in the African proverb which states: "It takes a village to raise a child".  My inspiration for creating Baby Loves Disco is the desire to create a community event with a kid-centered, yet "real life" perspective...  I feel very strongly that a major fault in American culture is the tendency towards separating "types" of people:  rich from poor, black from white and young from old. A major talent of American culture is the ability to create a whole lot of specific events and environments to satisfy each group.  As you know, the typical child events stretch from the "Chucky Cheese" experience to the local Zoo, museums and of course, Gymboree. I have to say that my son takes away some fun from these experiences but with an amount of dumbed-down perspective and  commercialism that I find offensive.  (Our Zoo is sponsored by a car manufacturer and a local junk food chain.)  "Disney" seems to creep into anything that involves children and the "made to order" environments imply a world that serves too easily to the limited attention span.  What can you do? We go to these places and events a handful of times per year, but in the end our children are exposed to and learn more from everyday life and the rituals that we, as parents and as teachers, share with them.  Baby Loves Disco is an urban experiment  and experience that challenges many norms.  We have grandparents in attendance... some families have two moms or are single-parent families...  there are corporate moms employed by "Clear Channel" and there are young, pierced and tatooed, dads...  there are dark and light and cafe au lait  babies, some are adopted and others are with their nannies... Baby Loves Disco serves as a meeting ground for parents, friends, family and caregivers of young children- a place to chat and be social while dancing with the little ones... or to read a book to a toddler in the "chill-out room"..... or nurse an infant in a public place that embraces and celebrates the intimate act of feeding ones child.  This event serves the priorities of the family and its village- refusing to separate these concerns of parent vs. child and refusing to accept that parenting is an isolated experience- while striving to create a resonant experience for all in the sprit of sharing music and dance.  As humans we are only a sum of our experiences and memories. Baby Loves Disco embraces an urban culture of parenting that remembers and celebrates our histories as people and shares  them with our children in a safe and fun way...  Aren't we lucky?  The decible level is around 75dbl and the music played is mostly classic disco... plus lots of rare 80's and some contemporary, clean, hits.  The bubble maching is a crowd favorite as are the egg shakers and scarves...  The kid's fare is a plethora of gourmet and mostly organic snacks and juice boxes.  I invite you to come see for yourself (if you have a kid that is, only folks attached to one are admitted)...but come early because we do sell-out when the dance floor gets tight.  Max and Isa and I like our "Little People's" music class every Thursday morning but we really have a blast and love dancing with our friends at Baby Loves Disco.  Oh, and yes, not to forget...   the bar is indeed open for non driving parents, and yes, parents can choose to have a beer or wine- though most don't- and those that do act responsibly and enjoy sipping on their one, adult drink without guilt.  We've never had an issue with this. ... but remember this is a FAMILY event and folks are here to be comfortable like at a family picnic or baseball game  and based on the reports form the venues,  the bar sales are mostly comprised of diet coke....  Sorry to disappoint you here, as i think that was your strongest argument against the whole idea, correct?

 Inhale , Exhale and have a great night!


 Heather Murphy Monteith, founder

On Jul 21, 2008, at 5:17 PM

Vernon Balmer Jr. wrote:
Another gimmick to take peoples money and use children to do it, without thinking about the effects.


Thursday, September 9, 2010


-----Original Message-----

From: Ch---l  <>
Sent: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 8:02 pm
Subject: Re: Internal Transmitters

The below may be of help. I just don't follow the dental implant cases. Apologies and best of luck, Cheryl

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Internal Transmitters

I ran across your email address while researching "internal transmitters". Can you tell me where online I may obtain more information about this? Especially, as it might pertain to dental implants.


  • RE: Health Issues Included‏

    To Vernon Balmer
    From: OS OCR Complaint (HHS/OS) (
    Sent: Wed 12/13/06 10:23 AM
    To: Vernon Balmer (
    Thank you for your email to the Office for Civil Rights
    (OCR) Complaint Mailbox. OCR is responsible for 
    enforcing a variety of Federal civil rights laws that 
    prohibit discrimination, as well as a Federal law 
    protecting the privacy of individuals health information. 
    Regrettably, the matters you raise in your email are not
    within our jurisdiction. We are unable to provide you with assistance. You should contact the following office of the U.S. Department of Justice ( for assistance.
    To learn more about civil rights and your rights under the rules
    protecting the privacy of medical records, please visit our website at


    2004 Compliant‏ 


    Vernon Balmer (


    Fri 9/28/07 9:13 AM


    Jensen, Michael (HHS/OCR) (

    It wasn't under privacy, but discrimination. I doubt if all I have gone through here in Hawaii can be defined as coincidence or fluke. There is definietly a pattern.


    Jensen, Michael (HHS/OCR) (Michael.Jensen@HHS.GOV)


    Thu 9/27/07 10:25 AM


    Vernon Balmer (

    Mr. Balmer,

    Our data base doesn't show anything in 2003 either. It only goes back to April of 2003 when the Privacy Rule was implemented. If you filed it after April 2003 with OCR you may want to contact our SF office.


    Vernon Balmer (


    Thu 9/27/07 9:13 AM


    Sorry, it would have been 2003. I just got partial records for service at Hawaii Family Dental, and by the dates of service it must have been 2003. The Center Supervisor is compiling all records including billing and says they have found my first set of x - rays, misfiled. Would you please check 2003.


    From: Jensen, Michael (HHS/OCR) Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:40 AM To: '' Subject: 2004 Compliant Mr. Balmer, You should call our San Francisco office at 1-800-368-1019 and as To


    Jensen, Michael (HHS/OCR) (Michael.Jensen@HHS.GOV)


    Thu 9/27/07 4:07 AM


    From: Jensen, Michael (HHS/OCR)
    Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:40 AM
    Subject: 2004 Compliant

    Mr. Balmer,

    You should call our San Francisco office at 1-800-368-1019 and ask them about it. That 2004 complaint would have been filed with them. I have checked our nationwide data base for cases and it doesn't show a complaint filed by you in 2004.

    Michael Jensen





    OS OCR Mail (HHS/OS)

    OS OCR Mail (HHS/OS)


    You may wish to contact the Seattle Regional Office at 206-615-2290 for assistance with your complaint.

    To Vernon Balmer


    OS OCR Mail (HHS/OS) (


    Thu 9/27/07 1:54 AM


    Vernon Balmer (

    You may wish to contact the Seattle Regional Office at 206-615-2290 for assistance with your complaint.


    sending a form they requested I fill out and never h



    Vernon Balmer (


    Tue 9/25/07 12:10 PM



    Can you tell me how I can learn the outcome of a complaint I submitted in 2004 to HHS, about a dental office loosing my ex - rays? I remembering sending a form they requested I fill out and never heard from them again. Both root canals have since deteriorated and I have altogether lost one tooth. One dentist who worked on one of the teeth I found had a complaint about his work. I don't know about the system here, but now there is no record of that action. I recently got my records from the dental office and they still have not located the ex - rays.



    Vernon Balmer Jr.

    401 Atkinson DR 211

    Honolulu, Hawaii  96814





    -----Original Message-----

    From: The Office of the ACLU of Hawai'i <>


    Sent: Wed, Feb 9, 2005 1:12 pm

    Subject: Re: Needing Assistance:


    Please send your complaint to P.O. Box 3410, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96801.  We do not 

    have the staff to respond to requests via email.  Our legal director will review 

    and respond back to you.  Keep in mind that the ACLU deals in civil rights 

    matters when it is the government who is in violation and not usually with 

    private entities.  Thank you for contacting the ACLU of Hawai'i.


    Mary Donohoe

    Assistant to the Executive Director

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010


    at 2:50 PM
    Images from this sender are always displayed. Don't display from now on.
    hide details Aug 30 (9 days ago)

    Re: Join Us in Washington, D.C. and Stand Up to the Abuse of Power


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wed, Aug 30, 2006 10:42 am
    Subject: Re: Join Us in Washington, D.C. and Stand Up to the Abuse of Power

    More important to me is what the ACLU doesn't do.

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010


    Vernon Balmer Jr.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: ASKDOJ <>
    Sent: Thu, Jun 15, 2006 2:29 pm
    Subject: Out of Office AutoReply:

    I will be out of the office Friday 17.


    Attached Message
    Date:Tue, 25 May 2004 1:17 PM
    May 25, 2004   Cynthia, during this time of turmoil, 
    many things go unnoticed by me. Many occasions when 
    things are said or done that may have bearing on  
    future events.  At the time of the occurrence, we may 
    choose to ignore something  said by others.  But 
    consequent developments bring back these previously 
    ignored  statements. If you are intent on doing a 
    thorough investigation, you may want to  inquire about 
    something I heard Sunshine say to Renee, previous to 
    the two  harassment charges submitted, concerning me.  
    It is not my desire to read  something malicious into 
    every statement made by a co-worker, but having been  
    put on the defensive, I can only conclude that her 
    statement may have some  bearing on the current 
    situation.  On or about the 8th of May, while Sunshine  
    was apparently retrieving a folder near Renee, I 
    believe I heard her say, "  We're going to show him the 
    power of pu--y." People who would say such things so  
    blatantly, I'm sure, will not be forthcoming with an 
    admission, but I thought I  should inform you of this. 

    18 USC 241 and 242, SHIRA

    Finally, an answer. The additional information spoken of here, was  very minimal and not requested. Nothing that would require me to substantiate allegations or suspicions. No one has asked for evidence, substantiation and/or corroboration. Can you say, investigation?
    Wouldn't it be nice if they could get it all, in an email. Less work, mo money, mo money!

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Division, Criminal <>
    Sent: Tue, Oct 20, 2009 5:22 am
    Subject: RE: CRIMES
    This is in response to your most recent e-mail 
    addressed to the Criminal Division. 
    Even with the additional information you have 
    provided with your current letter, 
    this matter still does not appear to fall 
    within federal jurisdiction. As a result, 
    any future correspondence with this office 
    regarding this same matter would be 
    unnecessary. We regret we cannot be of 
    further assistance.     
    Sent in response to there being no answer 
    Sent: Thu 8/20/2009 7:21 PM  
    Subject: CRIMES      
    -----Original Message----- No answer
    From: To: Criminal.Correspondence@usdoj.govmailto:y-----@aol.comTo
    Sent: Tue, Apr 7, 2009 11:53 am
    Subject: Re: civil rights complaint
    The USDOJ should have been receiving my 
    complaints for the past five years. Due
    to the Conspiracy To Violate Civil Rights, 
    Obstruct Justice, and Harassment I have 
    faced here in Hawaii, I can only be reached at: 
    General Delivery Honolulu, Hawaii 96820. 
    Although I have suspicions that the state and 
    other entities and individuals have been monitoring 
    my use of computers, here at the Hawaii State 
    Library, I would like copies of correspondence 
    sent to my email address. I believe I have seen 
    employees here in Honolulu, but I doubt that 
    they have been here to help me, considering what 
    I have found. I would also like to know who I am 
    corresponding with. Surely, you have a last name 
    and a title.>
    Sent: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 6:20 am
    Subject: civil rights complaint

    Dear Mr. Balmer,

    The Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division of the
    Department of Justice received an e-mailed complaint from
    you on April 4, 2009.  Please send us your mailing address so that we can respond.


    Vernon Balmer Jr. 
     -----Original Message----- 
    From: Correspondence, Criminal (CRT)

    Criminal Section  Civil Rights Division 
    Department of Justice 
    (202) 514-3204 

    Thursday, September 2, 2010


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wed, Aug 30, 2006 10:48 am
    Subject: A Conspiracy To Deny Civil Rights, Seeking Representation In The Iron Triangle
    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tue, Nov 22, 2005 3:48 pm
    Subject: Abuse of Power: Does anyone in Hawaii do their job?
    A Conspiracy To Violate Civil Rights, Obstruct Justice And Harass
    Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2009 10:50 am
    The 4th Amendment to the Constitution
    Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 11:04 am
    Why there is a shopping cart on the lawn of the State Library.
    Fwd: Abuse of Power
    Date: Tue, Nov 29, 2005 11:49 am

    Wednesday, September 1, 2010


    Instead of pasting the email I converted to JPEG
    And highlites are created with editor.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Chrystal <>
    Date: 2010/3/5

    beefburger.jpg12K   View   Download


    The first time I saw a company file was months later,

    when I bought a copy of the EEOC docs.

    -----Original Message-----

    From: Cynthia Yamasaki <>
    Cc: Pearla Kouchi <>
    Sent: Fri, Jun 25, 2004 9:01 am
    Subject: RE: Personnel File:


    Thank you for your request.  As I discussed with you on June 21,2004,
    all personnel files are considered to be company property.  Therefore,
    we are unable to provide you with a copy of the your personnel file.

    Thank you,

    Cynthia Yamasaki
    Vice President, Human Resources
    Title Guaranty
    (808) 539-7722
    Cell:  221-2828    Fax:  532-3162
    Visit our Website!

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:06 PM
    To: Cynthia Yamasaki
    Subject: Personnel File:

    I previosly asked Pearla for a copy of my file, with no response from
    her. I am now requesting you to send it, or at least a response, with an

                                 Vernon Balmer Jr.
                                 P.O. Box 255
                                 Honolulu, Hawaii  96809

    DISCLAIMER:  This message is only intended for the addressee named above.  Its contents may be confidential, privileged or otherwise protected.  Any unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message or its contents is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, (i) please do not read or disclose it to others, (ii) please notify the sender by reply e-mail or phone, and (iii) please delete this communication from your system. Any personal opinions expressed in this message do not necessarily represent the views of Title Guaranty.
    Attached Message
    Subject: Personnel File
    Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 10:59 AM
    May 28, 2004  Perla, please send a of my file to P.O. Box 255 
    Honolulu Hawaii  96809.  Sincerely,                                    
    Vernon Balmer Jr.